1958 Born in Israel
1980-85 Gold and Silversmith, The Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design , Jerusalem
1983 Studies Metal Design at the Middlesex Polytechnic, London
1984 Bezalel Academy Awards of Excellence
Sharet Foundation scholarship Award
1983-85 Instructor at art courses for children , Jerusalem
1987 Sharet Foundation scholarship Award
1986-89 Silversmith and design at “Catriel Judaica workshop" Jerusalem
1995 Instructor at the department of Jewelry at the “Studio” school of Arts ,Raanana
1997 Creates Judaica works and sculpture in her studio , Israel
1983-84 “Bezalel “,The Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design , Jerusalem
1984 Sharet Foundation, Helena Rubinstein museum, Tel-Aviv.
1987 The Alix de Rothschild Foundation Gallery , Jerusalem
1989 “Image of the 80”, Basel , Switzerland
1990 Group Exhibition , Haifa Gallery
1994 The National Museum of Modern Art , Tokyo , Japan
1997 Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv ( works on display )
1998 Continuity and change: 92 years of judaica at Bezalel
The Jewish museum New York ( works on display )
Tel Aviv art museum ( works on display )
1999 “Peace post card” Givat- haviva
2000 “Millstones for peace” performing arts center Tel-Aviv
Design and creation of mezuzahs for the government offices in the Israeli parliament
2001 “The Creo Scitex Penguin parade” outdoors sculptures Tel- Aviv.
2001 “Hanukiot exhibition” Harass Richter gallery Jaffa
2002 “Dolphin Show 2002” outdoors sculptures Tel- Aviv.
2002 “Art on Line" Museum Haifa.
2002 "MERCAVA solo exhibition Sculpture and Judaica Gallery EinHod.
2005 "INFINITUDE" Sculptures, solo exhibition, PERISCOPE
Contemporary design gallery TE-L AVIV.
2005 "INFINITUDE" Sculptures, solo exhibition, Artist Gallery, Kiryat Tivon
2006 "Open Space" Sculptures, solo exhibition, Rishon le Zion city hall
2007 "Malchut" solo exhibition, Yael Hermann, Tel Aviv
2008 Guest artist exhibition, Dorit Feldman studio, Tel Aviv
2008 "Miniartura" Group exhibition, Shoham Gallery, Tel Aviv
2009 "Heshbon Nefesh", Group exhibition, Hi Touch Gallery, Herzeliya
2009 "Mila" Group exhibition, New Artist Gallery, Kiryat Tivon
2011 Gallery hotel Haifa, Art gallery kfar- Vitkin
2011 "Devolving form" Group exhibition, Office Gallery, Tel aviv
2011 "pyyut" Group exhibition, jerusalem
2011 "Paper work" Group exhibition, gallery 121, Tel aviv
2012 "Paper work" Group exhibition, Kibutz Genosar
2012 "Tzeva tari" Postcard project
2012 "Secret art 6" Group exhibition, Bank leumi, Tel aviv
2012 "Equal" Group exhibition, The Edge Gallery, Naharya
2012 "Ebove time" Solo exhibition, The water works Gallery, Givatayim
2013 "Ebove time" Solo exhibition, HaKitor Gallery, Kibutz Magen

The structures take on new meaning through the beholder’s eyes. The bodies’s transience and fragility, their buoyancy in the air, are the infinite seeds that are given to individual interpretations. The constant interaction between the beholder’s perception and sense of the objects in the gallery space completes one’s understanding of the artist’s tendency towards condensation and simplicity. This also opens the beholder’s path to understanding the fourth dimension she tries to touch, and it is presented to the beholder as an option for physical and spiritual reception.